Friday, August 20, 2010

Hello there

It is with mild embarrassment that I recall the number of times I grumbled about someone or other having a wedding far away. Did they really need me to board a cross-country flight and then drive three hours to arrive on time? The carbon foot print expanding exponentially as my butt settled into yet another airplane seat. And here we are, having our wedding on my home turf, on the other side of that fence. It is a feat to get to the island, even from Hyannis, let alone New York, California, and all points north and south, so I raise a glass to all who make the effort, and I understand entirely that some of you will not be able to carve out the time from your lives or object (as I have) to the idea of traveling the world for a few hours of celebration. Either way you will be in our minds and we will be cheering you from afar.

For those who do make it, I urge you to get out on the island, explore it by foot and by bike as much as possible. Drive to the moors and park your car and take a walk. Be sure to get to the water, and have a meander at the beginning or end of the day.

If I had to pick two things to do in town were I there for a short visit, I would stop by the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning, and then walk into the library, the Atheneum, for a look, before heading to the south shore.

Who knows what kind of weather we'll have that time of year, there can be a definite chill in the air; if we're lucky it won't be anywhere too close to real cold. But bring a sweater, and a scarf, just in case. And some shoes you can cut a rug in.

Needless to say, we are enormously excited about seeing your sweet faces in October and having an evening of revelry with you all.

So, to you! Filched from Joni, of course

Come on down to the Mermaid Cafe and I will buy you a bottle of wine
And we'll laugh and toast to nothing and smash our empty glasses down
Let's have a round for these freaks and these soldiers
A round for these friends of mine
Let's have another round for the bright red devil
Who keeps me in this tourist town

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