A few of you forward-thinking folks have asked me what the dress code is for this shin-dig. We don't have a code. I think you should wear some threads you like that don't get aired every day. How's that? No black tie here, and I'd like to see at least one dude show up in a skirt, just to keep things interesting. Word to the wise--we will be getting married on the beach, and the reception is taking place in a tent, which will be parked on the grass. Mind you, this is unwatered Nantucket field, not a lush green lawn pumped up with fertilizer. You might meet a tuft or a bramble. There will be a wooden dance floor, but you will be on the grass a good bit of the time. So if you're trying to decide between a wedge and a puerto rican fence-climber, go with the former. I'm wearing sandals. There are going to be propane heaters in the tent, and we will warm up, but there can be a bite in the air in October, so bring a jacket or a sweater or some swaddling cloth so you don't freeze when you step outside.
As for Friday eve drinks, wear what you like. There's no dress code. A lot of you will have just shuffled off the boat and I don't expect you to change. Come as you are. And if you feel like dressing up, go for it. There will be some in each camp, so you'll be in good company no matter what.
If you have a side of bacon, by all means, haul that sucker out.
If you have a side of bacon, by all means, haul that sucker out.